Alaska’s First Income Tax

The following opinion piece was originally published in the Alaska Dispatch News. Let’s pretend I was able to license this amazing photo of Ernest Gruening and include it with the commentary.

grueningIncome taxes are unpopular, but after reading up on our history, I am strongly in favor of one for us today. An income tax is important to our state’s social health and budgetary diversity, it’s a mark of ownership and a declaration of independence from outside influence.

Continue reading Alaska’s First Income Tax

I Wish I Were a Real Alaskan Girl

You know that catchy little ba-da-bump da-da-bump theme music at the beginning of every show? I bet you’re wondering why it’s so iconic and familiar and lovely.

It’s because we swiped it from a jazzy instrumental version of I Wish I Were a Real Alaskan Girl by Marian Call.

It was an easy decision to use for our tiny sized theme music, Marian is a brilliant songwriter and one of my favorite human beings on this earth. Also, she lives with me, so negotiating a license was cake.

“Oh, it’s easy to see why a local woman’s in demand.”

I particularly love how Real Alaskan Girl playfully cuts into the outsider’s dilemma and openly asks what it means to be a Real Alaskan. When have I frozen my toes enough? When have I donated enough blood to mosquitoes? How many boxes of Pilot Bread must I eat? It’s a measure beyond citizenship, the Real Alaskan, a blend of clichés and rites of passage along with the odd northern misfortune thrown in for good measure.

The Alaska identity is simultaneously an elusive notion and concrete set of rules. It’s a story written by environment and art, politics and principles. Everyday we give that story its shape.

I love it.

907’s Own

907’s Own is a well produced glance into a subculture many of us aren’t familiar with. The section on Josh Boots was outstanding and cut deeply into the heart of what it means to be a working artist in Alaska.

For me, the film served as a reminder that everyone has the potential to be far more possessed of gifts than I might imagine.

It’s a little weird that this was produced by Shopify, a Canada-based e-commerce megaglomerate, instead of some gritty local filmmaker.

Whatever. Patronage is patronage and this film has some heart and art to it, I’m glad it was made.

Hey Matt. I mentioned Shopify in this post, am I supposed to disclose that I use Shopify to sell things online? Is that a journalist thing I should do?

Coming soon to a podcast service near you

Matt's parent's dog Cyrus can't figure things out.
Matt’s parents’ dog Cyrus.

Hey everyone. This is Matt. I just wanted to say thanks for checking us out and that, yes, we’re working to get the podcast listed on handy services. For now you can stream and download it from us. We’ll make some noise when we get it listed.

In the mean time, what are your favorite podcast apps? (We’ve already submitted to iTunes, Stitcher and Pocket Casts) Comment below or find me on Twitter: @FDNMpolitics.