Hello Alaska! This week we take you up to frigid ol’ Fairbanks, where the temperatures have just plummeted and the air just turned nasty.
In this episode we talk about air pollution, wood stoves, PMs and personal responsibility. Also, it’s been a crazy busy week! We discuss the damning Alaska state prison review, reporting on victims and the knee-jerk response folks are having to Syrian refugees.
Show Notes
Curious what kind of crud you’re inhaling directly into your heart? Check out the Alaska Air Quality Index. The Fairbanks North Star Borough also maintains its own air quality monitoring program.
The anti-refugee politicians get taken to task by the Mat-Su Valley in editorial, “Valley legislators running scared in face of terror.“
The Alaska Prison Review was ordered by Gov. Bill Walker after a series of high-profile deaths and suicides behind bars. It was released last week and, to put it lightly, is damning.
Matt had a great time talking with and writing about Father Scott Fisher, his cool person of the week.
Many thanks to Josh Boots for the use of his music, you can find a ton of his tracks on Soundcloud. Absolutely worth a listen!
Oh, and who is this John Cena fellow we compared to Don Young? Here’s a clip from the fantastic “Wrestling isn’t Wrestling” (which is also a good primer on why anybody might like wrestling). Oh, and language warning.
That’s it until next time!